What is Exported to QuickBooks Desktop
IMPORTANT - QuickBooks Desktop Export feature has been deprecated.
Due to technological restraints and current level of support offered by Intuit, ALLDATA is able to offer limited navigation and usage support for this feature at this time. We unfortunately can no longer guarantee that QuickBooks Desktop Export will continue to function properly in the future.
We currently recommend using the Manage Online QuickBooks Online Integration feature with an online QuickBooks product in order to export your accounting information.
What Does and Does Not Get Exported

- Includes a summary of Invoices, Credits (Credited Invoices), Sales Taxes, Payments, and Credits (Received).

- Includes Supplier (Purchase) Invoices

- Includes detailed data for Invoices, Credits (Credited Invoices), Sales Taxes, Payments, and Credits (Received).

- Does not export. Payroll will not be exported.

- Does not export. Labor (Time) Tracking, Saved Estimates, Custom Jobs, Parts Inventory, and Tire Inventory will not be exported.

- Does not export. Vehicle Information along with Vehicle and Customer Service History will not be exported.