Looking up Part Prices and Labor Times

Locating Parts and Labor

  1. Log in at my.alldata.com and select the Repair app from the ALLDATA Portal page. 
  2. Select a Vehicle.
  3. Navigate to the Parts and Labor page using one of the following methods:

Popular Information

  1. Select Parts and Labor under the Popular Information column.

    A list of all components with parts and labor information will appear.

  2. Select a component from the list.

    • Optional: Start typing the name of a component or system in the Search Parts and Labor box to filter out unwanted items.

  3. The Parts and Labor screen will appear

Vehicle Info Search

  1. Start typing the name of a component or system in the Search vehicle information box.

    • Optional: Select an item from the Search Suggestions list to auto-fill the search box.

  2. Scroll down to the Parts and Labor section and select a component from the list..

    • Note: If the component you are looking for isn't one of the top 5 search results, you may need to click Show More at the bottom right of the section.

  3. The Parts and Labor screen will appear

Component Navigation

  1. Select an item from the Systems and Components column.
  2. You can now do any of the following:

    • In the Information column at the right, select an item under the Parts and Labor section. This will display the parts and labor information for the system or component that is currently selected.
    • Locate a component of the selected system under the Component column and click the associated P under the P&L column.
      • Note: Depending on the available information, you may need to select an additional part and labor option.
    • If the component you are looking for is not listed because it is a sub-component of a listed component, keep clicking the options in the Component column until the component has been located.
      • Hint: The Component list can be filtered by entering a component name in the Type term to filter list below box.


Viewing the Parts and Labor page

pnl view

  1. Parts Information
    • OEM Part # - Original Equipment Manufacturer's part number.
    • Price - Suggested Retail Price for estimating purposes. Actual pricing may vary by location.
  2. Labor Information
    • Skill level ( A - Highly skilled / B - Moderately skilled / C - Low skill level)
    • Warranty Time - Manufacturer warranty rate or factory rate. The estimated time a factory-trained technician needs to repair a component still under warranty, as determined by the vehicle manufacturer.
    • Standard Time - Standard or flat rate. The estimated time a non-factory-trained technician needs to repair an out-of-warranty component, as determined by independent labor time publishers.
      • Suggest a Labor Time Change - Provide feedback to our parts and labor team in order for us to provide more accurate labor times.
        suggest time
  3. Optional Labor - This is extra work that should be added to the associated component's labor time that is listed above.
  4. Page Actions
    • Print
    • Bookmark
    • Hide/Show Related Information
  5. Related Information - Links to additional system or component information such as repair procedures, specifications, etc.