From the Setup menu or shortcut bar, select Company Setup.
Select the Tax/Markups tab.
In the Shop Supply Charges Type drop-list, select Parts & Labor, Parts Only, or Labor Only.
Parts Only: Fee only applies when parts are billed to a job
Labor Only: Fee only applies when labor, sublet or miscellaneous charges are billed to a job.
Parts & Labor: Fee applies when parts, labor sublet or miscellaneous charges are billed to a job.
Type the percentage Amount.
Select the percentage sign (%) after your selection.
Type a Maximum Charge.
Select Apply Tax if the shop supply fee is taxable.
Supplies are a materials charge and are taxed using the parts rate.
If your Parts % tax rate is set at zero, then this field is disabled.
Click Submit.
Note: If you edit a shop supply fee that appears on any estimates or repair orders, the shop supply fee on the order is updated.