Setup Tab | ALLDATA

Product Support

Setup Tab

Use the Setup tab to set company-wide options for the following:

  • Ticket Numbering

  • Display of Warning messages

  • Automatic Deletion of Estimates and Repair Orders


To access setup information:

  1. From the Setup shortcut bar, select Company Setup.

  2. Select the Setup tab.

  3. Type and select your numbering and warning options:

    • Starting RO #: Type the number you want Repair Orders to begin with. (9 character maximum.)

      • Repair Orders are sequentially numbered starting with this number.

      • This number increases as you create repair orders, and displays the last number used.

      • You can change it to a higher number, but not a lower number.

    • Delete estimate files after (days): The number of days to keep your estimates. (3 character maximum.)

    • Starting Estimate #: Type the number you want Estimates to begin with. (9 character maximum.)

      • Estimates are sequentially numbered starting with this number.

      • This number increases as you create repair orders, and displays the last number used.

      • You can change it to a higher number, but not a lower number.

    • Delete PO files after (days): The number of days to keep your PO. (3 character maximum.)

      • Only purchase orders that have been voided or completely received are automatically deleted.

    • Starting PO #: Type the number you want purchase orders to begin with. (9 character maximum.)

      • Purchase Orders are sequentially numbered starting with this number.

      • This number increases as you create purchase orders, and displays the last number used.

      • You can change it to a higher number, but not a lower number.

    • Display warning when posting an invoice if parts cost or labor cost is not entered.: Select this option to be warned, at the time of posting, that you have not entered your actual costs (the labor time spent or the actual part or service cost).

    • Display warning when posting an invoice if the invoice is not paid in full.: Select this option to be warned, at the time of posting, when an invoice still has a balance due.

    • Bypass Revision Message: Select this box if you want to bypass the revision authorization warning dialog box, when revising saved orders.

  4. Enter your ShopWeb settings:

    • MARKET Shop ID This feature is no longer available

  5. Select your AutoAdmin Settings: The AutoAdmin utility performs the backups and exports as configured.

    • Show AutoAdmin Results on Open: Select this option to display, at startup, results of any backups or exports completed since shutdown.

    • Enable AutoAdmin Appointment Import: This feature is no longer available

    • Enable AutoAdmin Service History Export: This feature is no longer available

    • Display New Appointment Message: This feature is no longer available

    • Display AutoAdmin Error Messages: This feature is no longer available.

    • Backup button: Click this button to access the Backup Setting dialog box..

    • Export button: Click this button to access the Export Options dialog box.

  6. Select your Parts and Labor Source Settings.

    • Disc: Select this option if you will access the OEM Parts & Labor information from an ALLDATA Service Advisor DVD.

    • ALLDATA Repair S3000: Select this option if you will access the OEM Parts & Labor information from ALLDATA Repair S3000.

      • Once the ALLDATA Repair S3000 option is chosen, you will be prompted to enter your ALLDATA Repair S3000 Username and Password.

      • Note: The ALLDATA Repair S3000 option requires a current ALLDATA Repair S3000 series product subscription and an Internet connection.

    • Map OEM/AutoZone Parts: Select this option to turn on the automatic lookup of aftermarket parts from the Catalog window.

      • If this option is not selected, the Aftermarket Parts button on the Catalog Viewer window can be used to lookup aftermarket parts.

  7. Update the Job Categories as needed, using the Add, Edit, and Delete buttons.

    • Note: Job Categories that are flagged as System are system default categories and cannot be changed or deleted.

  8. Click Submit.